Kamis, 03 Mei 2012

Edubuntu 12.04

Linux memang mengerti dengan apapun. Saya berkata begitu karena salah satu distro linux berbasiskan khusus dibuat untuk berbagai macam keperluan. Salah satunya adalah Edubuntu 12.04. Betul sesuai namanya distribusi ini dikhususkan untuk edukasi dan sangat cocok digunakan pada lab-lab sekolah atau para staf dan para pengajar.

Setelah beberapa saat Ubuntu 12.04 LTS rilis, para pengembang edubuntu merilis Edubuntu 12.04. Secara mamtematis maka aplikasi yang diikutkan dalam Edubuntu merupakan aplikasi sekolahan dan aplikasi yang mendukung perangkat pembelajaran di sekolah. Kali ini ada sedikit pemaparan mengenai Edubuntu 12.04, silahkan dibaca di bawah ini :
Edubuntu 12.04, a new release of the specialist Ubuntu remix designed for schools, is ready for download: "After six months of preparation, it's with great pride that the Edubuntu development team announces today the release of Edubuntu 12.04 LTS. As the first Long-Term Support release of the Edubuntu project, this version will be supported for 5 years (April 2017). The Edubuntu development team will also provide 'point releases' in sync with Ubuntu's to offer new installation media containing all the latest bug fixes. What's new? iTalc was replaced by Epoptes, a new classroom management software; new major version of LTSP (5.3.x) including numerous bug fixes and speed improvement; fully translatable installation and post-installation environment...." Read the release announcement and release notes for further details. Download (SHA256): edubuntu-12.04-dvd-i386.iso (2,659MB, torrent), edubuntu-12.04-dvd-amd64.iso (2,678MB, torrent).

About Edubuntu 12.04

Edubuntu is a partner project of Ubuntu Linux, a distribution suitable for classroom use. The aim is that an educator with limited technical knowledge and skill will be able to set up a computer lab, or establish an on-line learning environment, in an hour or less, and then administer that environment without having to become a fully-fledged Linux geek.

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